Monday, August 22, 2011


So tonight, I decided to go on my very first run since my injury. Huzzah! I mentally prepared myself, making sure I was ready to tell myself to walk if I started feeling pain.

My run ended up being more like a walk with periods of jogging, and I'm okay with that. Plus, I haven't gotten my new shoes yet, so I didn't want to try anything crazy... I ended up doing a little over 2 miles, but again, it was mostly walking.

I think I should integrate some biking with my workouts to help build up some solid leg muscle. Yeah, I bet that'd help...

Sorry this post isn't more interesting. Mostly I just wanted to tell you guys that although lacking some of the motivation I started with I'm back in the game!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. You will feel stronger slowly at first. Don't over do it!
